Edit cost items

If you want to add more detail for a cost item, select the item, and then click the Edit cost pricing summary icon. The Edit slide-out panel includes tabs for details, cost categories, and resources.

The Details tab shows the adjusted quantity, cost, and man-hours for the cost item. The Details tab also lets you view pay item information for existing cost items. The Cost categories tab shows the adjusted cost distributed across the cost categories. You can see the adjusted cost, billing rate markup, billing amount, current budget, and current estimate. The Resources tab shows resources assigned to that cost item in Control.

Plug items

When the cost source is Plug, you can edit the following fields:

  • Adjusted cost

  • Unit cost

  • Adjusted Mhrs

  • Mhrs/Unit

  • Unit/Mhr

  • Labor cost/Mhr

These fields can be edited only in the Edit cost item slide-out panel. You can edit the Adjusted CB Qty value from the Cost item pricing register.

The fields work interactively. If you change the value of a field, Change calculates the values of the related fields. When you update the adjusted cost and there is a value in the Labor cost category, Change lets you select the Labor cost/Mhr or the Adjusted Mhrs field to be recalculated. When you update the unit cost, Change calculates the adjusted cost, and then spreads the cost across all cost categories.

If no quantity has been entered, you can enter an adjusted cost. The Mhrs, Mhrs/Unit, and Unit/Mhr fields are disabled. After you enter an Adjusted CB Qty, all fields are enabled. Adjusting the man-hours maintains the Labor cost/Mhr from Control to calculate the overall adjusted cost. After you make a change, the Unit rate driver field changes to Manual. The manual changes are saved as an additional unit rate driver when they are applied and saved to the register.

Initially, the cost item has a unit rate driver value of Current Budget, and you are prompted to enter the Adjusted CB Qty. Afterwards, the adjusted cost uses the productivity rates to calculate the details and Cost Categories tab. Adjusted MHrs, MHrs/Unit, Unit/MHr, and Labor cost/Mhr are used to calculate the total Labor cost category.

The Cost categories tab in the Cost-item slide-out panel shows the assigned cost category assigned to the plug cost item. The adjusted cost is placed into a cost category based on the cost pricing selected. For example, when Cost pricing is Materials, the adjusted cost is shown in the cost category of Materials. You can manually distribute costs across individual cost categories. All cost categories are added together into a Total adjusted cost for the cost item. The name of each Cost category shown in the tab can be modified using custom labels. When you update the Labor cost category, a dialog box prompts you to choose to proportionally adjust the Labor cost/Mhr or the Adjusted MHrs value.

On the Resources tab, you can add or remove resources, but they do not affect calculations.

When the CCO is executed, Control consumes the updated quantity, cost, and man-hours in the Contract adjustment.

Detail items

When the cost source is detail, you can edit resources in the Resources section. Each resource has a Cost driver of Fixed, CI Duration, or CI Qty as in Control. Cost driver and resource type determine which fields are editable for any given resource. For example, when the resource has a Cost driver of CI Duration exists, the Productivity and overall settings fields becomes editable.

Initially, the cost item has a unit rate driver value of Current budget, and you are prompted to enter an Adjusted CB Qty. After that, the adjusted cost uses the productivity rates, based on the value of the unit rate driver to calculate the values on the Details and Cost categories tabs. The Current budget and Current estimate have their own Productivity rates for Unit cost, Adjusted MHrs, MHrs/Unit, Unit/MHr, and Labor cost/Mhr, and cost category breakdown.

  • If the unit rate driver is set to Current Budget, only the Adjusted Qty is used to recalculate productivity rates and cost category breakdown for the current budget.

  • If the unit rate driver is set to Current Estimate, only the Adjusted Qty can be used to recalculate Productivity rates and cost category breakdown for the current estimate.

If you add, edit, or delete a resource on an existing Detail cost item, the value of the Unit rate driver field changes to Manual to indicate that this cost item is no longer using current estimate resources from Control. The option to return to the Current Estimate value becomes unavailable. The only way to go back to the current estimate is to delete the cost item, and then add it again. Added resources are indicated by a yellow circle to the left of the row number. Deleted resources show with strike-through text. When a Contract adjustment is executed, Control does not consume any resource changes on the existing cost items. This functionality is meant for estimating changes only.

After you change a value in the Resources section, a blue dot is shown to indicate that someone has changed the value of the resource in Change. If you make changes to the Productivity and overall settings section, a yellow indicator shows the last field that was updated. If the update to the Productivity and overall settings affects resources, the blue dot is shown in resources.

When you undo a resource change, a dialog box prompts if you are sure you want to undo your changes. If you select Yes, the changes are removed, and Change recalculates the cost item. For example, if you remove an existing resource and then you undo the removal, the strike-through text is no longer shown.

Any manual change on the Resources tab (Resources or Productivity and overall settings sections) changes the Unit rate driver to Manual. When the Unit rate driver is Manual, the cost item uses the Resources tab to recalculate the cost item.

Each resource has costs distributed across the different cost categories that are shown in the Cost categories tab. For Detail cost items, the Cost category tab is read-only.